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Darts with The Tigers

Darts with The Tigers

Kathryn Townsley4 Mar 2019 - 09:16

City Heroes to play darts to support Life for a Kid

Hull based charity Life For A Kid have teamed up with the partner of Hull City Star Jarrod Bowen to create the Ladies of League

The Ladies of League will see the partners of professional footballers arrange and host fundraising events to raise funds and awareness for Life For A Kid.
The Ladies of League will be driven by Jasmine, the partner of Jarrod Bowen.

The first event has been arranged by Jasmine and Life For A kid founder Dean Hoggard and will see Hull City Players play darts at the Willerby Manor on Sunday 28th April 2019

Tickets for the event are £50 and include a 2 course meal.

Life For a Kid was set up in March 2009 with the aim of helping children under the age of 16 by offering funds and equipment to help them lead a better life and to also help children who require life saving or life changing operations.

Life For A Kid set up a Sensory centre in 2015 on Beverley Road in Hull.

The Sensory Rooms foster an atmosphere of relaxation for the children when they visit. This is a good principle for the children’s emotional health; it will give them a chance to explore their feeling and to become interested in their environment. This claiming environment is a place where parents/carers will have time to bond with their children, providing a restful and peaceful experience in today’s busy and sometimes stressful lifestyles.

A facility such as this has many benefits for children with special needs as it creates a stimulating and yet calming atmosphere and among other things can help to improve hand and eye co-ordination and develop language skills. The overactive child can be calmed, the inactive become interested. All young children can benefit from using a sensory room to develop fundamental sensory skills needed in later life.

The Life For A Kid Sensory Centre is free for all families to use and many children have already benefitted from regular visits to the centre.

The Darts with the Tigers events will raise funs for the Sensory Centre allowing Life For A Kid to continue to keep the rooms free and available for the families of Hull with Special Educational needs and disabilities.

To book tickets for the event please contact

For more information on the charity please visit

Dean Hoggard
Founder & Head Of Operations
Life For A Kid Foundation 2009-2018
Charity Number : 1136410
Hull Daily Mail- Unsung Health hero 2018 Winner
07891 506258

Further reading